Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Mission StatementTo make visible and aid indigenous peoples demands for human rights, climate justice, and accountability from banks, insurance companies, and financial institutions.
Michelle Cook speaks out during a meeting in NYC - Photo via Teena Pugliese
from fossil fuel-related companies and financial institutions that negatively impact Indigenous and human rights, and local and global waters and the climate.
Colonial Era Wampum Belt, Peabody Museum, Boston Massachusetts, April 2019
in Indigenous Peoples as central actors in shaping economic change and decision-making regarding their lands and territories. Invest in sustainable renewable energy and a just transition. Invest in better and more just economic initiatives, paradigms, and structures.
and advance Indigenous Peoples and human rights, lands, and territories. Protect water, land, and climate from pipelines, fossil fuel infrastructure and extraction at the source.